At PeachFlame, we believe that shouldn't have to compromise. Your software should be affordable and it should work & look great too.

Things can be better.

Are you tired of having to pay a fortune for software, simply because you have no other choice? It's not fun being forced to overpay on the basis that you 'need it'. Likewise, we're also tired of seeing pigeon-holed solutions that look & function like they were designed in 2004.

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We strongly believe that today's modern Internet technology can give you everything you want by combining cutting edge practices with widely-adopted, open-source software.

Build on existing technology

Why re-invent the wheel from the ground up? Completely home grown software can quickly feel aged and be riddled with security issues if not properly maintained. By leveraging existing open-source technologies, you can get the most secure and feature rich experience, maintained by a community of thousands of regular contributors.

Interfaces that you'll enjoy using

Yes, you can have your cake and eat it too. We utilize popular frameworks to create interfaces that not only look visually appealing & intuitive, but are device (and OS) agnostic. That's right, your application can look good on any device, without the need to pay for specialized mobile developers.

Innovative features that you want

Our software isn't merely reliable, secure, and good looking. How about chock full of features that make it innovative as well? Sound too good to be true? We're here to tell you that it's not. Our development strategy allows us to stay focused on the cutting edge features you want and need to stay ahead of the curve.

We actually listen to our users' feedback

We understand that the end-user experience is the most important thing. If you see a problem or would like to see an addition or change, let us know! We rely heavily on the feedback from our users to help us to make the best products out there.

We believe in innovation as the strongest selling point for any product. If it doesn't innovate, then it hasn't done a good job.

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Our F.A.Q. section might have the answers to some of your questions:

+   Where are you located?

We are headquartered in one of the great technological hubs of the world: Washington DC. However, our goal is to design software for anyone on the planet (perhaps even off planet). The Internet is a wonderful tool for breaking down these geographic barriers.

+   What gives? Where are your actual products?

We are hard at work rolling out some very exciting products that we know will turn some industries on their head. Please feel free to subscribe to our newsletter so you can keep up to date for announcements and product launches.

+   Will you offer support for your software?

Vehemently, yes! We understand that no matter how simple a developer thinks their software is to use, people sometimes still need a helping hand. We don't leave our customers high and dry. Once you buy from us, our relationship doesn't stop there. We genuinely want to see you succeed!

+   Can I get a custom feature or large fries with that?

We definitely love hearing feedback and feature suggestions! Drop us a line and let us know what's on your mind. If we can implement your idea, we'll let you know. We understand that staying in touch with what our customers want is critical to development. As for the fries, sorry but you're on your own :)

Customer experience is the biggest factor we consider during development. If you don't want to use it, then we don't want to make it!

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Keep in touch.

Keep up to date with PeachFlame happenings or drop us a line. We love hearing from our customers! Say hello, give some feedback, or make a suggestion for something you'd like to see us create!

Stay informed.

Subscribe to our newsletter to hear more about what we've got cooking. We don't send messages very often, and we promise to never share your info. We hate spam as much as the next guy!

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PeachFlame is a team of four people who build the tools you need to do amazing, awe-inspiring things in our digital world. To do this, we live by a few simple rules:

Give the people what they want. You want tools that work and that don’t require an astrophysics degree to master. You want your business to succeed. We want your business to be a success. Are you seeing a pattern yet?

Give the people good stuff that they actually need. Quality is the cornerstone of everything we do. You need great software to help you run your business, and you need it at a fair price. We feel the exact same way.

Other providers like to charge high prices on perpetual monthly plans. Not us; we want to return business software to an age where you can pay for software that you buy once and own yourself. We will still have SaaS solutions for those that don't want to run their own servers. We give you the choice!

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